Kumkum Bhagya Fame Actor Gautam Nain Overwhelmed With Emotions On His 3rd Wedding Anniversary. He Reveals His Love Story With His Wife Indonesian Actress Soffiee Marchu!
Kumkum Bhagya Fame Actor Gautam Nain Overwhelmed With Emotions On His 3rd Wedding Anniversary. He Reveals His Love Story With His Wife Indonesian Actress Soffiee Marchu!
TvTalks Team
Handsome actor Gautam and beautiful Indonesian actress Soffie Marchu happily celebrated their 3rd wedding anniversary and Gautam revealed their love story.
Gautam said we are happy and three years old today. I remember it was back in 2018, we met for the first time in Indonesia. I went there for my work; we became friends and used to discuss a lot about work. He added, that one fine day we decided to open a production house. And we started talking more and spend a lot of time together. Then, I shifted to Indonesia and made our dream come true.
Nain mentioned I didn’t realize we were in love and later interestingly it was our family suggestion. Yes, our family suggested us get married to each other and I loved the idea. He continued I am sure that she is born for me only and there would be one else like her who can understand me better and love me selflessly. He added we are lucky to be blessed with a son and be a happy family.
Now, Guatam is in India and looking forward to direct and produce a reality show. Gautam continued I am surely missing my wife on our anniversary and earlier, I was supposed to surprise her by visiting Indonesia for two or three days. But I cancelled my plans due to work commitments. Meanwhile, my wife ordered a cake and we celebrated our happy anniversary virtually. And I also surprised her with flowers and a diamond ring. He concluded I guess, I am here by my mind and heart is with her today (on his anniversary).